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Home arrow Notizie arrow Ultime arrow Urban Lab - Città plurale
Urban Lab - Città plurale PDF Print E-mail

URBAN LAB UrbanLab is a project by Antares which addresses the change in cities and territories, building analytical tools designed to:
- Identify the growth trajectories of cities and territories and the emergence of new social vulnerability phenomena and new demand for services ;
- Analyze the need and the legitimacy channels for new local public policies ;
- Conduct comparative studies of cities and territories in Europe and in the world ;
- Propose models of urban development and territorial for the solution of new challenges (social inequalities , youth unemployment , "clean" energy , environmental sustainability ) The Urban Lab activities include :
- Analysis of the demographic change and morphological trajectories of Italian cities;
- Seminars with national and international experts; - Report on the change of cities and territories

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